How-to access PostHog Cloud infra

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We've all been there. Something was just merged and now there is a bug that you are having a real hard time pinning down. You hate to do it... but you need to get on a pod or instance to troubleshoot the issue further. SHAME

Shame bell


Make sure you've followed this guide to get AWS access. !!! Please follow the whole document !!!

Connect to a Kubernetes pod

After you got access to the EKS cluster and our internal network:

  • kubectl -n posthog get pods (get names of pods, you'll want a "web" pod most likely)
  • kubectl -n posthog exec --stdin --tty <POD_NAME> -- /bin/bash (get a shell to the running container)
  • kubectl -n posthog exec <POD_NAME> env (run individual commands in a container)

Note: if you need a Django shell, just run the following after connecting:

python shell_plus

Connect to an EC2 instance

Please follow this guide to connect via AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM).


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