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Survey targeting

When you create a survey, it'll save as a draft until you're ready to launch it. You can target your survey to specific users based on:

  1. Page URL contains. You can target a survey to a specific page URL, or a page URL that contains a specific string. For example, you can target a survey to or* with the string "/docs".
  2. Selector. You can target a survey based on whether a specific element appears on your page with either class name or ID. For example, you can target a survey with #my-button or .my-button.
  3. Linked feature flag. You can target a survey to users who have a specific feature flag enabled. For example, you're rolling out a new feature flag "new-landing-page" and want to gather feedback only from users who have that flag enabled.
  4. User/group properties. You can target a survey to users who have a specific user or group property. For example, you can target a survey to users who have a property is_paying set to true.

All targeting properties behave in a "AND" manner, meaning that a survey will only be shown to a user if all of the above conditions are met.

Survey targeting


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Survey events

Survey events Survey responses are stored as PostHog events. We provide an easy way for you to view the responses on the survey page, but you can also view them in any manner you'd like with the PostHog UI. We have "survey shown", "survey dismissed", and "survey sent" events. All three events will contain the $survey_id and $survey_name properties, and "survey sent" will also contain the $survey_response property.

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