Supported aggregations

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The following aggregations are enabled. This list is ever expanding. Please submit a pull request if we're missing something obvious.

Standard aggregate functions

  • count
  • countIf
  • min
  • minIf
  • max
  • maxIf
  • sum
  • sumIf
  • avg
  • avgIf
  • any
  • anyIf
  • stddevPop
  • stddevPopIf
  • stddevSamp
  • stddevSampIf
  • varPop
  • varPopIf
  • varSamp
  • varSampIf
  • covarPop
  • covarPopIf
  • covarSamp
  • covarSampIf

ClickHouse-specific aggregate functions

  • anyHeavy
  • anyHeavyIf
  • anyLast
  • anyLastIf
  • argMin
  • argMinIf
  • argMax
  • argMaxIf
  • avgWeighted
  • avgWeightedIf
  • groupArray
  • groupUniqArray
  • groupArrayInsertAt
  • groupArrayInsertAtIf
  • groupArrayMovingAvg
  • groupArrayMovingAvgIf
  • groupArrayMovingSum
  • groupArrayMovingSumIf
  • groupBitAnd
  • groupBitAndIf
  • groupBitOr
  • groupBitOrIf
  • groupBitXor
  • groupBitXorIf
  • groupBitmap
  • groupBitmapIf
  • groupBitmapAnd
  • groupBitmapAndIf
  • groupBitmapOr
  • groupBitmapOrIf
  • groupBitmapXor
  • groupBitmapXorIf
  • sumWithOverflow
  • sumWithOverflowIf
  • deltaSum
  • deltaSumIf
  • deltaSumTimestamp
  • deltaSumTimestampIf
  • sumMap
  • sumMapIf
  • minMap
  • minMapIf
  • maxMap
  • maxMapIf
  • skewSamp
  • skewSampIf
  • skewPop
  • skewPopIf
  • kurtSamp
  • kurtSampIf
  • kurtPop
  • kurtPopIf
  • uniq
  • uniqIf
  • uniqExact
  • uniqExactIf
  • uniqHLL12
  • uniqHLL12If
  • uniqTheta
  • uniqThetaIf
  • simpleLinearRegression
  • simpleLinearRegressionIf
  • contingency
  • contingencyIf
  • cramersV
  • cramersVIf
  • cramersVBiasCorrected
  • cramersVBiasCorrectedIf
  • theilsU
  • theilsUIf
  • maxIntersections
  • maxIntersectionsIf
  • maxIntersectionsPosition
  • maxIntersectionsPositionIf


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HogQL tutorials

Examples How to do time-based breakdowns (hour, minute, real time) in HogQL The power of HogQL’s sum() aggregation Using HogQL for advanced time and date Using HogQL for advanced breakdowns Analyzing events How to analyze autocapture events with HogQL How to analyze first and last touch attribution How to calculate time on page with HogQL How to calculate bounce rates with HogQL

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